Raleigh Business Owners Caring for Single Moms


Photo from WRAL Go Ask Mom

Raleigh childcare center Little Makers Academy is helping the single moms of Designed For Joy in a pinch. Getting a childcare voucher is difficult and takes some time to apply, but single moms with no network of family to help with children need to work, and they need to start working as soon as a job is offered. 

Our Gateway Plaza next door neighbor Alice Nelson has helped our single moms by taking their children in before the childcare vouchers are approved allowing them to start their living wage jobs as DFJ artisans quickly.

Alice's flexibility comes from being a mom herself and understanding women's need for childcare to provide for families. 

With business owners like Alice, Designed For Joy is able to support our community's most vulnerable and high risk women and their children by fast tracking work and childcare for their security. 

You too can make an impact on Raleigh women and children through Designed For Joy. Tell us about you here!