50 women voting on how we spend $100,000

Refer a Woman for Work at Designed For Joy

Case Managers of referring partners, please take a moment to hear updated information regarding referring a women for immediate, living wage work.

Not sure if your organization is a referring partner? Please watch the video and complete the form below. We'll be in touch.

Additional Notes and Highlights

  • Referred women are given the title DFJ Artisan.
  • Our day work program is offered to new Artisans for immediate funds and an introduction to our three month work program. Artisans are invited to work for five hours a day up to seven days at $16 an hour and paid cash daily as a 1099 employee.
  • If Designed For Joy is a good fit for your referal, she will be invited to our three month work program. She will be interviewed (for her practice) with the intent to hire.
  • Physical Requirements
    • Able to stand for extended periods of time
    • Good grip strength
    • Fine motor skills
    • Capable of lifting fifteen pounds
    • Good eyesight