More Space Means More Jobs - An Update

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After months of searching for a larger space we have found our new home - 517 W. Cabarrus St. in Raleigh's warehouse district. This 5000 square foot space allows us to serve even more women by providing safe, dignified, living wage work.

The generous financial support we received when we launched our building campaign back in March helped us continue to serve our artisans well while moving forward during this season of growth. You helped us raise $50,000 of our $100,000 goal in just 4 weeks!

As we spend the next 4 - 6 weeks preparing our new space, our goal is to reach the $100,000 finish line. These additional funds will allow us to make room for not only more artisans but for you, our wonderful DFJ community, as well.

Your financial support helps us provide the necessary tools needed to create jobs for the women in our community who need them the most. 


We’re $44,000 away from our $100,000 goal. Give here!


Here is a list of items we currently need to complete our space. We would love to recognize your contribution with a donor tag on the item(s) you would like to fund.

Here's an updated needs list:
Cutting Tables: $249 each, (3 needed)
Low Heavy Shelving: $170 each, $680 total
Tall Heavy Shelving: $130 each, $1,290 total
Tall Shelving (work in progress): $125 each, $375 total
Rolling Carts: $140 each, need 2
White Ikea Table: $300 each, $1800 total
Wheelchair Lift: $12k - 15k
Bar Top Tables: $170 each, $510 total (2 needed)
Mural: $2000
Vinyl Tablecloths $35 each, need 4 $140 total
Ceiling Tiles $1,500


Give Here


If you are interested in corporate sponsorship, would like a tour, or have other questions, email us here.